Important Note: Some of the articles linked here contain innacurate information. We have linked to them simply to give an accurate portrayal of the media attention but not to endorse the validity of their claims.
Television Appearances
February 21, 2003 - The Today Show (NBC)
February 21, 2003 - The John Walsh Show (NBC - Real Player needed)
Domestic News
February 1, 2003 - "He takes fatal OD as Internet pals watch" Source: New York Daily News
February 3, 2003 - "Phoenix man egged on by chat room has fatal overdose" Source: Arizona Republic
February 5, 2003 - "Dialogue of death on Net" Source: The Statesman
February 5, 2003 - "Net friends faulted in online overdose" Source: The Arizona Republic
February 9, 2003 - "Net result: Death" Source: The Arizona Republic
February 10, 2003 - "A life lost online is hard-to-face reality" Source: The San Diego Union Tribune
February 10, 2003 - "Anonymity brings out our dark sides" Source: The Miami Herald
February 10, 2003 - "Online Overdose" Source: PressDemocrat
February 11, 2003 - "That the virtual community failed 'Ripper' is hardly a surprise" Source: Pioneer Press
International News
February 3, 2003 - "Presset til overdose på nettet" Source: Dagbladet.no, Norway
February 3, 2003 - "Chattet seg til døde" Source: VG Nett, Norway
February 3, 2003 - "Presset i døden for åben skærm" Source: B.T. Online, Denmark
February 3, 2003 - "Mutprobe oder Selbstmord: 21jähriger stirbt vor laufender Webcam an Überdosis" Source: Come On, Germany
February 4, 2003 - "The night 'virtual friends' played internet suicide for real" Source: The Times, UK
February 4, 2003 - "Coded slang in dialogue of death on net" Source: The Times, UK
February 4, 2003 - "Unreal intimacy and a web martyr" Source: The Times, UK
February 4, 2003 - "Net grief for online 'suicide'" Source: BBC, UK
February 4, 2003 - "Internet dares lead to man's death" Source: Herald Sun, Australia
February 4, 2003 - "Nuorukainen kuoli yliannostukseen webbikamerassa" Source: MBnet, Finland
February 4, 2003 - "Hardcore internet death" Source: The Advertiser, Australia
February 4, 2003 - "Suposta morte por overdose transmitida via webcam" Source: Play, Brazil
February 5, 2003 - "Selbstmord vor der Web-Cam" Source: Blick Online, Switzerland
February 5, 2003 - Metro Newspaper article scan Source: The Metro, UK
February 5, 2003 - "Pals see chatroom suicide" - The Sun, UK
February 6, 2003 - "Chatters volgen live zelfmoord" Source: webwereld, Netherlands
February 7, 2003 - "Chatter die online zelfmoord pleegde massaal herdacht" Source: Nu, Netherlands
February 8, 2003 - "On-line chat, the good the bad and the ugly" Source: Globetechnology.com
February 9, 2003 - "Zelfdoding Op Webcam" Source: Doodgewoon, Netherlands
February 9, 2003 - "Chatmates watched internet suicide" Source: The Telegraph, UK
February 10, 2003 - "Toch geen vervolging na zelfmoordchat" Source: Fok, Netherlands
February 13, 2003 - "Presset i døden for åben skærm" Source: B.T. Online, Denmark
February 19, 2003 - "Brother's pain over online 'suicide'" Source: BBC, UK
February 19, 2003 - "Advarsel fra selvmorders bror" Source: Ekstra Bladet, Denmark
February 28, 2003 - "Självmord på nätet skapar debatt" Source: IDG, Sweden
February 28, 2003 - "Brandon tog sitt liv på Internet" Source: IDG, Sweden
February 4, 2003 - BBC Radio 5's Interview with Rich Vedas
February 11, 2003 - "Suicide En Direct Sur Internet" Source: Radio Canada
February 17, 2003 - BBC Radio 4's Outlook Interview with Rich Vedas
February 25, 2003 - Interview with Rich Vedas Source: London LBC Radio 97.3 FM, UK
February 26, 2003 - Interview with Rich Vedas Source: The Gerry Ryan Show RTE, Ireland
All other articles relevant to Brandon's death will be posted shortly on this page. If there is a news article that you do not see on this press page, please the link of the site. Thanks.